The cougar belongs to the cat family and is found in most parts of the North and South America. It is very territorial and solitary, avoiding even its own kind except to mate. It usually preys on deer, sheep, goats, and other similarly sized game. With humans’ ever expanding need for land, the easiest alternative is to encroach upon the wildlife habitat. This inevitably brings to fore the danger of human and wildlife confrontations and sadly most of the time it is the humans who emerge victorious.
What happened in
Yeah…what would one expect when a big cat like a cougar gets cornered by 10-15 policemen? They could have given a wide berth for the cat and waited for the animal control to arrive and tranquilize it. After all the cougar’s sightings were reported throughout the day. Where was the animal control? They should have been there. With all with the technology these days how long would it take for the animal control to arrive at the site?
A spokesman for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources said Monday that the state's current wildlife code does not protect cougars because they are not considered a normal part of the ecosystem here. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists the Eastern cougar as endangered. But police could not confirm whether the cougar shot Monday was an Eastern cougar.
Does it really make a difference whether it was an Eastern cougar or a Western cougar?
A witness said that the police brought down the cougar in about 10 gunshots.
I weep for the Cougar and I wonder whether I am alone?
Source: WhoZoo, Chicago Tribune.
ya...such a sad story.....its the same situation world over. its not the fault of the animals that are straying into human territory....we humans need to respect and give them space to live....i weep with you bro....but there should be an inward action taken to do something about it...such a loss of precious life!